Golden Haiku Is Back

Today’s lunchtime bike ride felt like I was riding through a book of springtime poetry.  It was near McPherson Square Park that I first began to encounter the poetry on signs along the sidewalk.  And as I continued to ride I encountered the signs for several blocks in every direction.

Each sign contained a haiku, a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey an experience.  They were placed in sidewalk tree and garden boxes by the Golden Triangle Business Improvement District, and will remain through the end of March.  They are part of the annual Golden Haiku Contest.  The theme of the short poems is Spring, even though Spring doesn’t arrive officially for over a week.

The signs contain the award winning haiku and judges’ favorites from among this year’s 1,675 submissions from 45 countries and 34 states, and D.C.  The contest judges chose their top three haiku, a D.C. winner, honorable mentions and dozens of judges’ favorites to share with the public and, in their words, “bring a smile to commuters and visitors alike and brighten the winter landscape as flowers begin to bloom.”

I took the following photos of the signs I saw, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.  Which one is your favorite?

[Click on any thumbnail to view a gallery of full-size versions]

NOTE:  The Golden Triangle Business Improvement District is comprised of a 43-square-block neighborhood that stretches from DuPont Circle to Pennsylvania Avenue (MAP).

  1. Anthony Rabang says:

    Hello, can you take a photo of my poem displayed there as part of the Golden Haiku? Thank you. My poem goes like this:
    coffee date
    a butterfly
    breaks the ice


  2. Thank you dcbikeblogger! I am haiku #10 home improvement. I have already visited my sign! I am happy that you took pictures of the other signs for all of the poets that do not live in the area! I know it means a lot to them!! Thank you for appreciating our work and for promoting haiku!


  3. Maria Laura Valente says:

    Thank you so much for taking these shots! Finally, I can see my haiku “sunday brunch” as it has been displayed ♡

    Maria Laura

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